Some of you may be very familiar with this plant, Clematis. I would never have imagined myself seeing a Clematis in real, let alone planting one! This fast blooming vine gets a few good hours of hot sun daily but undershaded ;-) Its dainty flowers are cute and pretty and I love how the purplish sepals open up to reveal white pom-pom-like petaloid...
I was overjoyed to see this first bloom from one of the three Amaryllis bulbs that I have taken out from the fridge about five weeks ago (click here to see the bulbs). Earlier, the bulbs were 'put to sleep' in the fridge for about two months. Ha Xuan, at last... here is my Amaryllis :-) Thanks again for sharing how to force...
I planted this young Black Bat Flower plant (shown in slides below) last month. Few days ago I spotted a flower growing out from the lower part the plant that is just above the soil. It's in a 'resting' posture and looks 'under-developed'. I hope when the plant grows older the flower stalk will grow taller and upright just like those I have...
It was so wonderful to see the returning blooms of my yellow Gazania. But the joy was shortlived as I discovered some mealy bugs on the newly formed buds... so sad. I had to discard them in order to save the plant and have to be contented with just three blooms. The same mealy bugs love my Hibiscus buds also. It has been...
I am so amazed by this variegated purple oxalis. The plant is grown from just roots given by a friend. Its leaves and flowers sprung out from the soil all within a span of two weeks only! I attribute this success to the strong and healthy roots. Meanwhile, the other oxalis-looking plant that I have (that I consider as a weed!) grows in...