I thought this new Amaryllis would be a pink one but it turned out to be red. The flower buds were pink at the nursery but when I brought the plant home, it developed into a much darker colour. And when I look around my garden I was happy to see other red flowers also. I spotted Episcia flowers instantly as its little...
I place my Impatiens at the most outer part of my porch. When it rains heavily, some rain will fall into the pot. Hence, some parts of the plant look like rotting away. Later, when the sky is clear, the sunray is so strong that the weak stems would begin to look frail. I have just cut back the plant earlier and now...
Hibiscus Swamp Mallow bloom is the biggest flower in my garden thus far. The flower is bigger than my palm! While the bud takes a number of days to form, the flower closes fast after opening in the morning. By late morning, once the sun is bright, the bloom will begin to close. ...