The Year of the Rabbit is just around the corner! Very soon it will be a week of feasting and good break from my normal schedule. But right now, some the flowers in my garden seem to remind me of things that I need to get! Orange Hibiscus flowers made me think of mandarin oranges. They are juicy and good to have after...
Currently I am enjoying some surprising blooms. The Chrysanthemum plant, bought before the New Year is slowly fading and its mild scent is gone. But I am delighted to see that its faded colour (light purple) is just as gorgeous as the original burgundy :-) My Cyclamen is reblooming after its first flush of blooms last month... ...
My Kalanchoe plants were always planted in the bright shade. However, under the shade, they grow really slow and easily rot due to over-watering. I find it hard to adjust watering schedule due to the unpredictable weather we have. So, after the above kalanchoe (anyone knows the ID?) rotted, I decided to place my Kalanchoes in the open - under the full sunlight...
It has been raining and cloudy the whole week. Somehow, my mood towards my garden became likewise and I begun to look at my plants that are with growing issues... I bought this Anthurium about ten months ago. The growth of the plant is rather funny. About two months ago, it fluorished a pink spathe and now mixed colours of red and green....
It has never occurred to me that this African Violet, which normally flourishes white blooms, can put on a blueish shade. I'm not sure if this is due to the current cooler climate (cloudy and rainy) or is it due to the plant's state of health. So far, African Violets do not fair well in my garden - heat and white alphids problems...