My One-Day-Yellow Adenium obesum shines this week. Love its pale yellow shade... it is so gentle to the eyes ;-) With the plant flowering now, I am assured that the plant is still very much alive! Many times, during the rainy season I feared that this plant will just rot, and in those times, the plant can just go leafless and flowerless for many...
I was so happy to have spotted a little bunch of blooms on my Petrea volubilis (commonly called Sandpaper Vine) last week. It was the vine's first blooms! They are not scented but look superbly delicate in blue and violet :-) Earlier, I almost wanted to give this vine away but I am so glad I didn't. The plant was propagated using a stem cutting about...
This spike of red Aranda has been the focus of my garden for the past couple of weeks. This time round the blooms stayed intact for a long time, for weeks in fact! Also thanks to the gentle birds that visit my garden in the mornings and evenings. I think they did not bother to peck or even stand on them too hard...