Specially for those green at heart... I just wanted to share with you, my simple and natural way of showing the green side of me ;-) I used one of my Epipremnum aureum plants, commonly known as money plant to make this 2D heart-shaped topiary. I wrote about this little gardening project in the New Straits Times (a local paper here) and the article was...
My Hoya kerrii flowers have opened! I am so thrilled to see two bunches of them opening one at a time. They may not be as gorgeous as its pretty leaves... still good enough to bring some cheers. Pic below is one of them... A day later, I saw nectar oozing out from its central crown of the flower. Looks like sweet syrup, so...
Oftentimes plants that flowers take their own sweet time to bloom. Some re-bloom faster than others but they usually take a long time to re-bloom or maybe the gardener is simply a bit impatient ;-) Let me start with the one that I have waited for the longest time to re-bloom, my Hoya kerrii! Not just one peduncle this time but two... yay!...