Orange is the prominent colour in my garden for the week when my orange Hibiscus rosa-sinensis sends out a flower or two on different days. The colour is more dominant when the vine, Chinese hat plant (Holmskioldia sanguinea) next to it is blooming at the same time. In the late afternoon or when the sky is cloudy, the little hat-shaped blooms are still very...
I am glad to have completed a few things that I have been procrastinating. I guess I am still in holiday mood, hehe... Anyway, I am super happy now!! Does the pic below look unreal? It is real! I can't believe I could actually grow African violet. The little plant has been doing so well. I have really enjoyed watching the dainty blooms opening...
Happy New Year 2014! May this year brings you lots of happiness and many gardening successes :-D I had a good yearend holiday and I hope you have had a good one too. Just a day before the first day of New Year 2014, my African violet (Saintpaulia ionantha), a flower blossomed... So dainty, cute and delightful... a violet African violet! Few months back...