We must cultivate our own garden. When a man was put into the garden of Eden, he was put there so that he should work, which means man was not born to rest. -- Voltaire
When it is bright and clear, the rain came pouring. Sometimes in the night also. Regardless, it is also an opportunity to sow seeds and propagate plants in the open :-D No need to check if they need some shelter or water.
The pic below shows a pot of English Lavender (botanical name: Lavandula augustifolia). After flowering the plant just wilted. It wilted even quicker during rainy days.
Fortunately plants like Azalea is tough enough and don't mind the rain at all. The bloom is sweet as a candy :-)
When it is bright and clear, the rain came pouring. Sometimes in the night also. Regardless, it is also an opportunity to sow seeds and propagate plants in the open :-D No need to check if they need some shelter or water.
The pic below shows a pot of English Lavender (botanical name: Lavandula augustifolia). After flowering the plant just wilted. It wilted even quicker during rainy days.
Fortunately plants like Azalea is tough enough and don't mind the rain at all. The bloom is sweet as a candy :-)