Oh lovely, lovely! I saw how wonderful the coleus leaves were from the back, hence I snapped the pic below. Then I realised, my plants come in different textures and colours. The cream (almost yellow) edges of Mother-In-Law's Tongue or variegated Snake Plant seems glowing and stick out like a sore thumb, hehe... But the most outstanding one is the Peruvian Lily (Eucrosia bicolour)....
Something exciting happened in the garden due to the bad weather. Yes I mean it! I even see hibiscus flowering. Well, there is certainly some sunlight after all... sunlight from my hibiscus, hehe... I am surprised by my Senecio confusus 'Sao Paulo' -- their blooms popped up all over the place. The vines love to stretch out far and flower freely. The flowers are...
It's a brand new year! What will 2015 be like? A better year, I hope :-) And a few projects to accomplish for the garden and for myself... I am all set to face another hopeful year and perhaps a busier one. My garden receives a lot more sunshine this week as compared with the previous weeks. My heart is still with those in...