A plant wilted as I watered too much but am glad there are many others that could withstand my careless watering last week :-P I didn't realise that while it was hot (the afternoons were cloudy actually), some plants would not like it if the soil is too wet. Peace lily is one of the air-filtering plants in NASA Clean Air Study. The plant...
My Peace Lily is rewarding me with its six white spathes this week. Two have opened and the rest are following suit. Hope they will open soon coz I wanna see them all open at one time! So come on Peace Lily, haven't seen you blooming profusely for such a long time :-D Studies have shown that Peace Lily is a good air-purifier....
This year, my plants seems to be 'enjoying' the Chinese New Year more than I do. The weather was hotter than usual and I stayed indoor most of the time. But my plants, they are sending beautiful flushes of blooms. And it happens to be more of pink ones! Look, my Desert Rose basking in the sun and shouting for attention... My bougainvillea that...