Flowers make us glad and gardening more fun. Their appeal is beyond words and I'd like to think of them as rewards. Flowering plants are demanding though, fertiliser-wise. But when they are fed well they just bring you lots of beautiful blooms.
These blooms below are the prettiest. Though tiny, they mesmerised me with abundance of them.
Look... not really as crowded as one would expect to see. Yet, this time around the plants (Euphorbia 'Breathless Blush') produced the most blooms and they remained on the plant for a long time.
Looked more obvious as the plant matures.
The other plant that is captivating is Spider Tresses. As more and more flowers were produced, the plant looked more and more gorgeous.
Here is a shot of the flowers crowding the short climber...
In the porch is my new episcias. They seemed to be doing well. These yellow blooms look outstanding against the black leaves. At the back is another episcia with pink and brown leaves. Its flower will be red.
Another yellow bloom in the porch... this one is from my lemon ginger.
The flowers of my Hibiscus acetosella 'Red Shield' are gone now. I had to cut back the shrubs. They had grown too tall and too heavy at the top. When the rain pours, the plants will bend over.
How lovely! Love to spot white Azaleas in the morning. They look the best during this time. So attractive!
This one in the pic below is the pink Azalea. This little wonder flowers continuously ever since I propagated it from a cutting years ago. The plant is still small though.
This group of Iresine herbstii shrubs are incredible. I strike some new plants everytime I prune them. The cuttings root quickly and are fast to grow new leaves.
My greatest find so far this brand New Year is this Coleus 'India Frill' (in the middle of the pic below). I'm glad to have spotted it in a nursery :-)
My latest propagation... tadaa... a little Glow Vine or Purple Bignonia with its first flower :-D
Rosa 'Othello' -- oh mind! How did the deep colours form? The bloom looks really stunning in the garden when all its petals have opened.
Have a great week ahead!