I've just invested in some plants with yellow blooms and I must say that I did get my money's worth from this pot of Zinnia. It has been blooming for more than a week now. The flowers are really long-lasting as well.
Now, I wonder how many more flower buds are going to open...
The flowers are so heat tolerant... they left me astounded.
I placed two Melampodiums into a shallow square pot. The strong gushes of water that overflowed from the gutter right above the plant smashed most of the leaves.
My yellow hibiscus remains open one cloudy evening. I quickly took the opportunity to take a shot. I have to do it quickly as it was about to close soon...
I also snapped a shot of my Four O'Clock as there were so many flowers blooming. They really made me feel glad. It has been a while since the last flush of blooms.
At the back of my Prayer Plant, if you notice, there is a yellow bloom. It's a flower from my Lemon Ginger.
This one is not just pretty but very fragrant indeed. A Jasmine...
My Anthurium jenmanii unexpectedly sent out a bloom last week. What a sight to behold :D
These Angelonias look sweet even under the bright blue sky. I bought these the same time as the zinnias. No yellow flowers for Angelonias, so I settled for a pink shade.
Oh, the prettiest flower is still the rose. This lovely bloom beats them all. It opened from a small bud and lasted for several days.