Portulaca plants are charming little plants. Their little flowers are bright as sunshine. The fine leaves gives an airy feel yet the plant is super strong. A cutting of this plant can tolerate the hot temperature well even before it gets rooted. The plant however can just disappear from the garden if you let them be. It needs replanting and the squeezing of...
My False Heather was flowering cheerfully! The pale purple flowers were bright as snow and they have really stole the show from the rest of the plant. I have been growing and pruning this little fellow for a long, long time. Glad I didn't give it up, but I really needed more space to grow other plants, hmm... ;) A few days later,...
When you look at the bloom below, what comes to mind? A torch? A flaming torch to be exact! This bromeliad aptly named is slow to flower and when it flowers, the bloom ages fast. The cooling weather due to overcast sky and non-stop rainfalls did not really slow down the ageing process of the bloom a lot. This little rose sent out small...
For those who have taken time to spread the word about my workshop, thank you so much! The event went well. Check out the pictures from this FB: Gardening Workshop. Now that the workshop is over, I am glad I can take a look at what I have left behind in my garden :) Below is a shallot that I just rested on...
From now till Oct 6, I will be really busy writing articles and preparing for a workshop on Gardening in Small Spaces for Urban Dwellers. The entry ticket can be found in the links below. Please help to spread the word around and hope to see you there. Thank you so much! https://www.facebook.com/events/2135300873169823/ Delightful duals! Here come my rosy rain lilies. I am really happy...
The white flowers of the Plumbago have been brightening up the garden from dawn till dusk for the past two weeks. They are like little sunshines during the cloudy days. They look the best in the morning and in the night, they are little 'glow in the dark' blooms that will guide your path. They didn't just call this Tradescantia as Cobweb Spiderwort...
Many blooms stayed open for a longer period of time including the bright orange flowers of the Mexican Flame Vine. The cloudy days seem to be signalling that rain is coming but it wasn't that wet after all eventually. Butterflies love those bright orange blooms not so much for the colour but for the nectar. I noticed a number of them the other...
How sweet are those roses? The yellow one opened just before the rain in the afternoon. So pleased with how vivid the colour is! On the next day, I saw three blossoms of the glow vine opened at once. Oh, this vine has never done this before. Usually the flowers open one by one but this time around, with the cooler weather the...