How sweet are those roses? The yellow one opened just before the rain in the afternoon. So pleased with how vivid the colour is!
On the next day, I saw three blossoms of the glow vine opened at once. Oh, this vine has never done this before. Usually the flowers open one by one but this time around, with the cooler weather the flowers get to display their best for a longer period of time.
A pompom chrysanthemum variety with petals that are arranged very tightly together, the plant has been really productive.
The petals opening up gradually...
The blooms of my yellow hibiscus are getting smaller in size these days. Hmm...
My white roses are back again!
The leaves of my Begonia Iron Cross are getting prettier each day.
Tiny roses peeking out from the branches of a coleus...
The flowers of the Senecio confusus 'Sao Paulo' vine are so daisy-like, don't you think so?
My Hoya kerrii is seldom in bloom. There were three bunches. In the picture below you can a bunch of flowers nectaring.
My favourite, bright red impatiens!
Have a blessed day!