Japtropha Integerrima

Spicy Jatropha

Sunday, May 31, 2009
This row of Spicy Jatropha is located at the entrance of the Jumble Station and Food Bank storeroom at my church. ...


9 o'clock Flower

Sowing By Faith

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I bought two types of flower seeds that I am quite sure will do well in my sunny container garden. Portulaca or nine o'clock flower is a very common plant back in my teenage days. My family used to have a bed of this plant in front of our house. This plant loves the sun and the flowers open in the morning at...



Pink Passion

Sunday, May 24, 2009
Having noted all the unique and helpful suggestions from my blogger friends, I decided to check out the nurseries for some nice and suitable flower plants to add to my garden.At one nursery, I saw some really nice Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema species), Anthurium and Prayer plants. They have lovely pink shade that is new to me. I didn't get the above as they...


Bleeding Heart Vine

Bleeding Heart Vine

Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Since I started blogging about plants, I have been more aware of gardens with beautiful flowers. My desire to grow some flowers plants has grown as well. So I visited a few nurseries recently to look for red, purple, blue, pink or white flower plants that can withstand the heat and sunlight to add to my garden.One plant that caught my attention was...


Crape Myrtle

Crape Myrtle

Sunday, May 17, 2009
I have always noticed a particular plant that is grown on many road dividers. Yesterday, on my way to an eatery for breakfast, I decided to stop and take some pictures of the small trees. They have big, showy flowers that last for two to four months. This shrub is commonly known as Crape Myrtle. ...


Begonia 'Martin's Mystery'

Little Blooms In My Garden

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
It has been very sunny, hot and humid here for the past weeks. Then one morning three days ago, when I felt the wind was unusually cooler, a few of my plants gave me little surprises :-D I pruned this Euphorbia Milii plant more than a month ago. The leaves have grown back now and this little flower bract is the first bloom......



Bougainvillea & Rangoon Creepers

Sunday, May 10, 2009
These pergolas, together with Bougainvillea and Rangoon creepers, serve as shades for those who are sitting on the bench undernearth! Bougainvillea Glabra comes in many colours and it is a popular ornamental plant here. Its 'flowers' are actually bracts; the colourful 'petals' are modified leaves that surrounds the whitish flowers. This plant is also known as 'paper flower' locally as the bracts are...


Codiaeum Variegatum

Garden Croton

Wednesday, May 06, 2009
The botanic name of Garden Croton is Codiaeum Variegatum. Garden Crotons are small shrubs that can grow more than five feet high. They come in many shapes and colours. In fact, they are the world’s most colourful tropical plant! The origin is said to be from the Malay Peninsular and Pacific Islands. It is slow growing and not fussy at all. ...


Bangkok Rose

Bangkok Rose

Sunday, May 03, 2009
I pass by this row of Bangkok Rose shrubs very often. They are located just before the entrance of the Taman Tun Dr Ismail wet market's car park. Recently, the flowers popped-out in full bloom in three different colours. ...



A Mini Garden On A Window Ledge

Friday, May 01, 2009
These small pots of greens are on a window ledge of a condominium. I always think that my house do not have enough space for more plants. But when I stumbled upon this mini foliage garden, I was left wondering if I have fully utilised every nook and corner of my garden, like this one. Those who live in flats, apartments or condominiums...




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