I think my Lantana does not mind hard pruning at all. Two months ago, I gave the plant some hard pruning and it is now flowering. I even saw butterflies coming for the nectar but didn't manage to snap a shot. Here is just the blooms... Unlike the Lantana, I find that the Polka Dot plant does not like to be pruned after...
Overall, I must say that my garden looks really bad nowadays. Most plants are not in the best of health and vigour. But for some I must say they are doing exceptionally well in spite of the bad weather we are experiencing. My neighbour has been admiring my Oxalis more than I do. She loves the leaves and says that they look like...
There are other plants that are in bloom in my garden but today, I would like to just highlight my Lemon Ginger. It finally bloomed a flower for me! Yay :-D I bought this plant in October last year. This Lemon Ginger in bloom was propagated by myself. So now, I have two pots of the same plant. The original plant, placed in...
There wasn't much progress in my garden as of last week. The weather was as usual, cloudy most of the time with occasional clear skies. My African Daisy-Gerbera is always placed infront as it is a low growing plant. Together with other plants with similar height like the Ground Orchid (in the pic below) they cover the sight of pots that have vines...
I am happy to see that some of my plants are appreciating the cooler temperature due to the frequent rain and cloudy skies that we are experiencing nowadays. Below is a pic of my Thai Caladium that I bought in March. It has blossomed an inflorescence last week... much sooner than I expected as I recall my other Caladiums took longer time to...
While it is all gloomy (cloudy and rainy... oh, what's happening!) for the past one week, my Hibiscus Red Shield flower buds begun to take turns to bloom. There were lots of buds on the branches, so the blossoming were prolific for a number of days. On those mornings, I was greeted by these sweeties but very little foliage ;-( I noticed from...
These little Amaranthus Torch seedlings stayed small for some time. I hope they will show more progress now that the weather is getting hotter and sunnier. I see flowers already forming at the top and have transplanted two plants out of this pot to make room for growth. So grow little fellas! This Amaranthus Yellow Fountain came as a surprise. Earlier, I have...
I see very little progress in my plants for the past few weeks. The sky has been rather cloudy with a very short window of clear sky. I kept pruning my Chinese Hatplant due to its scraggly growth habit that's quite hard to control. Thank goodness the plant still flowers ;-) My Lantana is still flowering profusely with a little surprise from the...
Last week, the first Gladiolus flower spike that grew over 5 feet tall opened. The long flower spike of Gladiolus 'White Prosperity' began blossoming at the bottom before the remaining flowers took turn to open... one to three blooms at a time. However, I have to stake the flower spike as it tipped over after five blooms have opened. ...
I have repotted a few plants last week. I realised that as they grow bigger, repotting is not so easy anymore. Still I could handle the Hibiscus Red Shield easily as the plant is still small/light and in a small pot. However, before I could repot this Hibiscus, I have to repot my Plumeria first as I am re-using its container to grow...
It was one long, busy period as people across Malaysia celebrated two major occasions (Merdeka Day and Hari Raya) last week. I was out of town for a few days and attended a short conference upon coming back. Was quite tired but now I am really glad that I can go back to writing about my usual stuffs :-) My Balsam and Lantana...
Although most plants with green foliage are easy to grow, it is not necessarily so for some. Below is one of the oldest plants in my garden... a Homalomena species I believe. Anyone has grown this plant before? For me, this is one of the hardest-to-grow green foliage that I have encountered. Although the plant is almost 7 years old, as you can...
The fragrance of these huge flowers of Chalice Vine can be smelt throughout the entire garden in the evening. And they look really cheerful in the morning :-D It didn't occur to me that my Plumeria has such strong smell till I took this shot. For me, the fragrance adds value to the plant's ordinary looking flowers ;-) I have to thank my...
I have finally managed to do some weeding in my garden over the weekend. And here are the recent blooms... Trailling succulent, Ice Plant, the plant grows pretty fast. Right after this bunch of flowers have spent, I cut this long stem and used it to propagate more plants. Moon Cactus, the plant is even prettier when a flower opened. But surprisingly, the...
I last updated about this plant, Silver Squill, some two years ago. The plant has since grown steadily and more foliages have sprouted after I have moved it to a shadier spot. The plant has however never sent out any flowers thus far :-( At the begining of this year, one bulb (not these two in the pic below) sent out a flower...
I love colourful foliages. One of them is Coleus and I am glad to have a few in my garden. This time round, their leaves are in their best colours. In the pic below is a Coleus (the same one as in the centre of the pic above). The plant is definitely not an upright grower and I am trying to grow this...
Hoya kerrii gave me a big surprise with its flower! I must have too many plants in my garden nowadays coz I didn't even noticed it was there till I saw a fully blossomed flower a few days ago... The Hoya Diversifolia that I posted in earlier post has however not blossomed yet. But I saw many other flower buds flourishing one by...
It is fun to watch how Amaranthus takes on new colours. Its foliage colouration change a little from day to day. When it was a tiny plant, the leaves were green, then they turned bronze and now the new leaves are turning red and yellow. Little flowers with pretty colours here and there makes my garden not so boring. ...