I last updated about this plant, Silver Squill, some two years ago. The plant has since grown steadily and more foliages have sprouted after I have moved it to a shadier spot. The plant has however never sent out any flowers thus far :-( At the begining of this year, one bulb (not these two in the pic below) sent out a flower...
I love colourful foliages. One of them is Coleus and I am glad to have a few in my garden. This time round, their leaves are in their best colours. In the pic below is a Coleus (the same one as in the centre of the pic above). The plant is definitely not an upright grower and I am trying to grow this...
Hoya kerrii gave me a big surprise with its flower! I must have too many plants in my garden nowadays coz I didn't even noticed it was there till I saw a fully blossomed flower a few days ago... The Hoya Diversifolia that I posted in earlier post has however not blossomed yet. But I saw many other flower buds flourishing one by...