Although I love to have a poinsettia or two in my garden every end of the year, I will sometimes just settle for something red when I can't find a healthy one, and I am glad with what I have found this year :) Actually I chose some pink-red caladiums. They caught my eyes at the nursery and were looking really fantastic. So I have...
A rosemary bloomed and faded last week and this week two new little flowers emerged. I have grown rosemary for many years and this is the first time the plant flowers for me. I am in luck, maybe. One nursery owner told me generally that there are male and female plants. Wow, really?! It seems that if the plant is a male, then...
I have never had a single-petal Gloxinia before. Recently at a nursery I saw a white and pink bi-colour one. So I brought it home. The blooms are as big as the double-petal type but kind of last longer. I really miss my pink double flowering one. It rotted during one rainy season. It was my fault. I overwatered the plant. I bought...
Spent a morning at my friend's studio making a terrarium. She asked me what's the name of the terrarium but I didn't give her an answer. At that time, my mind was solely on the construction of the terrarium. Today, I thought of the name -- Green with Envy -- which sounds really proud for a humble terrarium. A check on the Internet found that florists...
The look of the garden is always changing with the presence of coleus plants. I have enjoyed the colourful leaves for the past months hence have been delaying the replanting. Very soon, I am afraid I really have to consider replanting those that have grown leggy. Other plants seem to be fading away including the pots of portulaca and euphorbias. The yellow firecracker...
I woke up early one morning and was surprised to see many blooms still holding up well in spite of the hot weather. The loveliest of them are the flowers from the pot of Angelonias. The flowers are everblooming and they were so long lasting. I have planted a few pots of coleus to one side of my garden and they seem to...