Some plants flower more often than others. My variegated gardenia unfortunately rarely bloom. Every time when I spotted a new growth at the end of its stem, I would think that it's a new bud forming. Unfortunately that was not the case. At last the current cooler weather made it possible for my variegated gardenia to send out a bloom - and a huge...
Cheers! While the wet weather still persists, take delight in the colourful displays in your garden. My orchid has the colour that will definitely cheer anyone up. The plant was blooming happily in the garden one morning - see how gorgeous the flowers are... And see how vibrant the magenta colour is... Before that, my Spider Tresses were in bloom, but as the persistent...
How high can a snail reach? Where food is ;) One morning I was intrigued by something on top of my white velvet. I thought it was a dried leaf but at a closer look I found a tiny snail. The little fella was chomping up the flower. I got a glimpse of what attracts snail and still wondering how it creeped up...
During the recent haze episode, I watered my plants in the morning only. Now that the sky has cleared up, I can go out and do gardening anytime, yippie! As I was about to reach the gate of my house compound last weekend, I was so glad to discover that the yellow hibiscus was blooming profusely. There were five blooms on the shrub and by dusk,...
One rose shrub suffered from the dry and warm air hence it is dying now in the garden. But, I must have underwatered the plant as well. The leaves are brown and crispy. Anyway, for those plant that are in the shade in my garden, I have learnt from previous haze situations, not to over-water nor under-water them. This time around, the air...
I recall times when my sandpaper vine bloomed profusely, sending out many bunches of purple blossoms, making the vine very attractive. So, when the vine started growing new shoots vigorously recently, I thought it will once again send out lots of blooms. I was wrong. The vine blossomed just a small bunch of flowers. Unlike the sandpaper vine, the azalea is an ever bloomer. Due...