
Warm Loving Plants

Monday, June 05, 2023

Here is a belated update dated 5 July 2022 from my small garden and indoor plants. They are made up of mostly plants that do not require much attention. Planted outside, they just need to be watered everyday like the gloxinia which I had about earlier. The plant has just gone on to produce its third flush of blooms even when I didn't add any fertiliser to it since the time of purchase.

Next is my pot of herbs that I have been replanting regularly. It is dedicated to growing stevia and mint. Both of these herbs mature and perish quickly. Hence, to keep them going, I have to prune the stevia as soon as I spot its white blooms. As for the mint, I would take cuttings of it as soon as it grows more leaves. Else it can turn leggy.

The little terrariums inside my house are 'thirsty' all the time due to the little soil it has. Also the mosses that are growing on the soil, which always in need of moisture. Otherwise they will just dry up.

Flowers please the eyes and stop my steps especially when I spot them in the morning :) Look at my white periwinkles with pink centres in the pic below. Aren't they lovely?

One morning as I was walking past my pot of rain lilies, I can see some black seeds in between a small opening of the pods.

I gently rub the pods so that the seeds would fall into my palm. I can feel that most of the seeds are really thin, so not sure if they are viable.

In any case, thank you for popping by and have a blessed day!

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  1. Hi, I do sincerely hope you will post more often. Look forward to more updates

  2. Thank you for your message, Juliet :)

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