I got this wonderful agave about two years ago when it was just a tiny plant. The name 'agave' comes from the Greek word agavos, meaning noble or admirable, and this group of plants have certainly lived up to their name. It is a type of succulent plant with thick grey-green spiky leaves growing from the middle, forming a rosette. I am not...
My friend, Julia recently climbed Mount Kinabalu, the highest mountain in Malaysia and Southeast Asia!Here's an awesome view from Mount Kinabalu... She brought back many adventure-filled memories. Below are some pictures she took during her climb. She was very excited about these plants that she saw on the mountain and asked me to find out their names. They are all beautiful tropical and...
Watermelon begonia (Peperomia Argyreia) has leaves with pale green stripes. It is a slow growing plant and can be placed either outdoor (but undershade like mine below) or indoor. The pattern of this begonia leaf resembles the pattern of a watermelon, hence its name. Below is a picture of leaves from my garden next to one of watermelons, looking like twin sisters :-)...
Teratai is the Malay name for Lotus, an aquatic plant with large leaf and flower. Also known botanically as Nelumbo Nucifera, this plant is usually found in ponds in the wild. Its roots are at the bottom of the pond but the leaves, pods and flowers are on the water surface.Pictures below were taken by a friend on the outskirts of Miri, a...
These little beauties were found along the paver of my church compound. They are so wonderful to look at especially when your eyes are tired. Rain Lily (Zephyranthes Candida) is also known as Fairy Lily or Zephyr Lily. This plant tends to bloom after heavy rain. Though their blooms are small but when you have a bed of Rain Lily in your garden,...
One day, after sending a friend home, I spotted a neighbouring house using trellises at its side wall.The trellises are not only meeting the needs of the climbing plants but also provide vertical height to the narrow garden. Overall, it also makes the house look beautiful with greens surrounding it. Last week when I was at Ikea I also saw a trellis (below)...
On 28 July 1960, the Malaysian government proclaimed 'Bunga Raya' or Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis (also known as the Queen of Tropical Flowers) as the National Flower of Malaysia. The Genus Hibiscus belongs to the cotton family of Malvaceae and consists of about 300 species. Hibiscus Rosa-Sinensis is well known and commonly grown as hedges fencing in many houses here. The plant is non-seasonal, flowers...
Donald Culross Peattie once said, "What is a weed? I have heard it said that there are sixty definitions. For me, a weed is a plant out of place." Yes, weeds! I pulled many of them out from my garden/pots today. Pulled these out too... ...
Today I went out in the morning to a nearby shopping mall. As I was going into the mall area, I spotted a bed of red and orange Cannas at the roadside. The flowers were blooming beautifully. Next to it was a bed of white, light and dark purple Bougainvilleas. ...
After a few days of torrential rain, my garden gave me a number of wonderful surprises. I trimmed the plant below more than a week ago and now new shoots are sprouting out from its old branches. The new shoots below grew from a Coleus stem I pinned into this pot a few weeks ago. ...
There can be no other occupation like gardening in which, if you were to creep up behind someone at their work, you would find them smiling. - Mirabel Osler The smiling gardener that I am about to introduce is Eunice, my sister-in-law. She moved into this house some 15 years ago and has been working on this green space since then. Her garden...
I often visit an elderly friend who stays in a condominium that has a little balcony. Auntie Eileen used to have a big compound, at her house in Sabah, to do gardening. But after moving to a condominium in KL, she stopped gardening for a while. Her condominium used to overlook a big green space. In recent years, new condominiums have sprouted up...